Racing goop
Wednesday, August 3, 2011 at 12:24AM
Bloom Preschool

Well, I heard of a fun idea, so we tried it.

First we took some corn starch and some water.

Then we mixed them together.

We hung some baskets and other containers with holes in them from the ceiling.

Then we dumped some of the ooblik (corn starch and water) into each hanging container.

Next we watched...

...and watched...

...and watched... (alright, by this time not all of us were watching)

This was supposed to be an ooblik in which we watched to see which container would allow the ooblik to race to the table fastest...but as you can see...

not a lot happened...

Then I remembered...

The original idea had suggested the idea of a FLUBBER race...NOT an ooblik race. So a couple of days later, we re-hung our baskets on a mission to make a race really happen!

We concocted the recipe for flubber using borax, glue and water.  We scooped it into our various hole-y containers...

And watched the race begin...

it wasn't long before we were rewarded with sufficient racing by the flubber...

This race proved to be much more exciting than the first!

Oh how we enjoyed watching the flubber stretch...

...and stretch...

The photos ended here, but the race continued throughout most of the day.  

The children observed:

which flubber went the fastest

which flubber became the thickest

which flubber hardened after only traveling a short distance

and which flubber didn't even make it through the holes in the container at all.

My lesson learned here...

always follow the correct recipe, and when you goof...try again!

Article originally appeared on Bloom Preschool (
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