Training and Consulting

Stephanie loves sharing her passion for learning through play with adults who desire to learn more! She has taken this passion to adults in a variety of settings, and enjoys opportunities to connect with adults who are realizing the joy and power in a play-rich life for young children! Please contact us if you'd like to find out more about training and consulting possiblities.

Most Recent Trainings Provided:

April 2016- "Play: Where Does the Learning Happen" at COCOAEYC's Spring 2016 Conference

April 2016- "Play: Effectively Educating and Communicating with Parents" at COCOAEYC's Spring 2016 conference

April 2016- "Gaining Parent Participation in the Educational Play Movement" Poster presentation at Clemson University for The US Play Coalition's "Rebooting Play" Conference

February 2016- Shared "Where is Math and Science" with college students in their class of "Math and Science in Early Childhood Education"

April 2015- "Learning Through Authentic Child-Led Play Experiences" at COCOAEYC's Spring 2015 Conference

March 2015- "Math and Science In the Context of Play" shared with college class of "Math and Science in Early Childhood Education"

May 2014- "Art and Science As a Multi-Sensory Experience: Exploring Art and Science Integration In Early Childhood" at COCOAEYC's Spring 2014 Conference

Feb 2014- Guest presenter to college "Math and Science in Early Childhood Education" class on "Math and Science in the Context of Play"




Stephanie has also enjoyed serving as a guest to friends on their early learning podcasts. 

Find Stephanie's guest pod-cast appearances here:

Knee Deep In Play- Home-Based Programs Interview

Shakin' Bones- Spanking- Part 1

Shakin' Bones- Spanking- Part 2


Other training topics for discussion Stephanie has led:

Praise and Rewards- Not the Solution

Open-Ended Art- Why and How

Bullies and Friends in Early Childhood

Early Literacy in the Context of Play

Rough and Tumble Play

Risk Taking

Death and Dying- How it Relates to Early Childhood

Power- How we can give power to the young child

Handling Challenging Behavior