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"Pirate snail" gym

We have a tank of garden snails as pets in our school.

A couple of weeks ago, we made a new gym for the snails to play on while we clean their tank. We used a box, some chopsticks, string, and a little masking tape.

The children said the gym looks like a snail pirate ship...the snails are pirates!

We have had the tank of snails for nearly three years, and the children absolutely LOVE them!

I enjoy watching the snails too.

We enjoy seeing the amount of food they can eat. (They chew quite the holes in the vegetables)

We are intrigued by their waste (remember...we are preschoolers...see book Everyone Poops).

We absolutely LOVE watching the snails climb!

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Reader Comments (3)

Love the term "snail pirate ship". Enjoyed just watching this pics, how snails were climbing! They are real pirates!
March 10, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterBenny Johans
Thank you Benny Johans! Again this morning a group of children stood around the snail tank watching the snails climb and eat!
March 10, 2014 | Registered CommenterBloom Preschool
Wow, hope children will enjoy these pirates for long time :)
March 11, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterBenny Johans

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